Tag Archives: math

Base Three Boolean Algebra, There’s a Fetish For That

It involves NAND gates.

There is a fetish for everything conceivable. “There are only so many protuberances and orifices on the body, so nothing is so original that it hasn’t been fantasized before.” Quote Dr Galen on the Columbia University seminars from the 80s or 90s.

Sexual stimulation isn’t a bodily function. You can’t stimulate someone who isn’t willing. You can convince them to be willing or you can rape them. Is there an in between I’m missing?

Bodily functions override emotions. You can hold your water, but it won’t go away. It *MUST* have it’s time. Tycho Brahe learned that the hard way. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tycho_Brahe

His nose may or may not have been gold, but he took it off and polished it in front of people he wished to annoy.

Seduction would be the convincing. As a male I would be seduced by desire and interest. The idea that somebody actually wants me, excites me. The idea that somebody is interested in me as a person causes me to feel interest. Some females are led by confrontation and conflict. Romance novels and romcoms indicate that is true for at least some females.

Such is the state of gender identification. Boolean algebra is a method of manipulating logic circuits to get what you want. Traditionally it would be binary. Traditionally gender would be binary. So could Boolean algebra be a matchmaking formula? No!

Transgender people throw a wrench into that. Wrenches lead to sockets, bolts, studs, nuts, and sometimes even screws. Still, what would third base be like? If you slide it will be muddy.

I didn’t say that.

Vive La Difference ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_numeral_system


Two Score Years Ago I Was Too Sore To Soar Too.

Okay, maybe not quite forty years ago. Big Science came out in 82. But wouldn’t you be sore?

You would expect me to keep a record of the time? Going down on the Captain might lead to other things.

Well I said they were too sore. Too means excessive. Excessive oral sex leads to sensitivity and Beaver Breath.

Too can also mean also. Too!

And two can mean 2. The number two that is. I’m not talking about scat here. Herr stranger I don’t want to hear about scat. What about the score? What, beaver breath isn’t good enough you want to score too? Or were you talking about the musical score? Laurie had an interesting technique on another song from that album.

It’s interesting for me to watch this video now. I bought the vinyl on the recommendation of a friend not long after it came out. I bought the CD after I bought a CD player in 88. I saw this video for the first time just recently. I didn’t realize she signed on it until then. Learn something new all the time. But you would think Superman would have a cape? Where’s the cape?

Okay, this probably does go back forty years, but I just saw it recently. Superheros don’t {necessarily} wear dresses.


I saw a personalized license plate at the gas station one day. It said PYTHAGORAS. I said to the guy getting gas, “You must be either a musician or a mathematician.” He replied, “So must you.” He was a musician. I told him to bake sugar cookies into regular polygons and have the kids use frosting to stack them into dodecahedra. You start with stars and chop off Isosceles triangles. That will leave you with pentagons and unhappy children. They might cheer up when they see how much frosting/chocolate is needed to stick the sides together. Then you tell them that Euclid’s Elements is actually a dessert cookbook.

You do realize that you can’t believe EVERYTHING you read on-line.


Pet Peeve, Pernicious Political Posts Pertaining to Pecuniary Policies

And so it begins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGWaP7Q5vCI

Kills Bugs
That is how one of my high school English teachers described haiku. I learned a lot from him.

There is Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. There must’ve been some interbreeding. Was it consensual? I have some doubts about how attractive the two groups would have found one another. Even in the absence of alcohol extreme horniness will make people less choosey. There is no accounting for taste either. But the interbreeding could certainly have been the result of a raid. It really bothers people when you raid their settlement. I’m confident they would want to kill what bugs them.

Neanderthals are all dead.

That song was never intended to be released. It was a studio piece to set recording levels. It’s about as basic as a song can get. But it was popular.

I don’t know if Neanderthals paid taxes. The oldest writings were basically tax records.

It’s too late to amend them.

Did they get their money’s worth?


As soon as money was invented so was the concept of scamming. You can hoard money. You can hoard non-perishable items. You can hoard perishables for a while. As soon as you do, someone will try to take them.

Somethings just don’t change. And therein lies philosophy, and concepts of government, ownership, theft, punishment, deterrence, justice, and retribution. And there is the battle between emotions, logic, and your objective. A lot of people really don’t like devoting much time to analyzing their feelings. The gut can be quite convincing even when it is wrong. If you own a store and you lose $100 a week to shoplifters it doesn’t make sense to spend $100 a day for security. The gut burns with anger at the situation. That’s understandable. Understanding doesn’t alter the rules of mathematics. A person can’t control everything that happens to them. They can try to control how they react to it. The only reason you need a key for your car is because someone might steal it if you didn’t. Someone pulls up to a convenience store and leaves the car running because they’re only going to be there a minute. Someone else steals their car. Do you blame them for leaving it running or do you blame the thief for taking it?

You catch the thief. What is your goal? Do you try to make them feel bad for what they did? Do you try to make them unable to do it again? Do you make them pay {monetarily} for the inconvenience and damage they did? Manipulating the emotions of the thief, making them regret their actions, is a task that depends more on them than on what you do. Forcing an emotional state is not easy. You can inflect pain and suffering commensurate to the damage they did, but that might only trigger feelings of being a victim on their part. They blame the one punishing them. They don’t blame themselves for their circumstance. It’s much more productive to set a goal based on your own actions, not on the emotional state of others.

How much do you care what they think? You do care. That is part of the social contract. It’s not necessary that they like you. It is necessary for them to follow the rules whether it’s because they don’t want to hurt others or because they are afraid of the punishment. Actions occur because of thoughts. You are concerned about their actions therefore you are concerned about their thoughts.

How easy is it to get mad at those that don’t seem to live by the rules. Do you want to punish the welfare cheats that use their benefits to get drugs? Do the healthy people parking in fire lanes or handicap spaces irritate you? Do you dislike the idea of prisoners getting free food and medical not too mention cable TV? On the other side of the spectrum, does it bother you how much CEOs make? Does it piss you off when you hear about off shore banking to avoid taxes? Do you feel like there’s a world wide group of multinational corporations that are basically a one world government?

How many human ills lead back to envy and greed{especially if that greed includes protecting ones possessions}? When you die, how much of it do you take with you? At what point do you admit your own mistakes? Would you consider spending $100 a day to prevent $100 a week in thefts a mistake? If you lose a buck in a vending machine are you justified in taking all the ketchup packets to make up for it? I would call that tit for tat. Actually I just like thinking about tits with tattoos. I might be in my 50’s but I can still be juvenile.


Where The Buff And Low Roam

Yesterday was pi day. e day would have been in Feb. or will be Feb 7 18. It’s called Euler’s number. It’s the squeaky irrational number that the oiler finds {his name is pronounced oiler}. It’s the music of tree stumps, the base of natural log rhythms. Consider the number of wood instruments, it’s not just xylophones. It’s not just strings. There are woodwinds. Oboe there are woodwinds. The wind blows through the trees turning a hoedown into a didgeridoo. Got that? Trees got wood, the wind blows and did ya really do a ho down? I guess that’s where the buff and low check out the Jim, in Rome. But hey, it is an Italicized small e.

Euler is real. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_%28mathematical_constant%29

If you’re going to the Jim and want to get buff and low, don’t try to skate.

Roger That!

4 into 3? Thanks For All The Fish, FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH

The snow is rapidly disappearing here. The local rivers are free from ice, but some of the ponds and small lakes still have ice. I saw an ice fisherman earlier in the week. Not only risky because of thinning ice it is also a challenge for one’s balance since there was water on top the ice

It’s Pi day! I had forgotten that until I saw my messages. Call me crazy but Pi is irrational.

Not expressible as a ratio, rationality is all about fractions. It’s not about fractures or fractals. It is about how many fifths you need for a party. Will you play quarters? Do you use half&half with a White Russian?
Is that B52 held together with Rusty Nails?

That last one wasn’t a fraction you say. No it wasn’t. Too smart for school makes you a lonely fish with no groupers. I can’t think of any fish drinks. So, why the title then?

Icky the ichthyologist was reading Douglas Adams while watching Red Dwarf.

Four book trilogy followed by the cat at a food dispenser.

And it actually has rained fish but no confidence and paranoia.


Circles Are Irrational

A square peg in a round hole, what’s the problem with that? Sort of the idea of a die, but who wants to die? And there are six sides for every die. I knew a woman that went by Peg once. She was round. Her hips were round. Pythagoras would say, “It’s hip to be square”. He was definitely in squaresville man. A very rational man can handle area with three squares a day. Less rational people might need infinitesimals but they would believe in integration.


According to this guy in Kentucky the solar system is getting hotter.



BTW, if you want to rationalize a circle you need some pi.

Cetaceans Vs Crustaceans, Prawn Wars for the Krill of it

Not much of a war really, the cetaceans have a whale of a time, and the krill are tiny. A really big one would be…., oh, a Jumbo Shrimp. That’s an oxymoron. I can’t help wondering if idiots aflame would have the same impact. When the lightbulb breaks the filament oxidizes rapidly and the ideas fade to darkness.

It is better to light a single candle than curse the darkness. The final panel of that Peanuts strip was black with Lucy saying, “Stupid Darkness.” Thank You Mr Schultz.

In times of doubt and uncertainty, one should reflect on the absolutes of life.

I refer to death and taxes

A Rose By Any Other Name Would Be A Petite Bertha

About a year ago I wrote a post titled A Rose By Any Other Name. I had forgotten about that. This one’s different.

I have never met anyone named Bertha. Names tend to fluctuate in popularity, and some names stay relatively common. Biblical names stay popular, at least some of them. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are all common in English speaking countries, although I don’t hear them used for Middle Easterners often. In the Army I met Justin Case, Officer Candidate James T. Kirk, and others. Since this was the Army I’m guessing Jim never made it past Captain.

That was the Army. There have been artillery guns named Bertha, Big Bertha. Maybe that’s part of why the name isn’t common. I have known a few women named Beatrice. All but one went by Bea. There was one Trixie though. I dated her Aunt, and the aunt’s name was NOT Bea. I don’t recall knowing any Gertrudes. Trudy would not be a bad name. I can picture an attractive Trudy. My mom named all of her cars Gertie. That’s not really the prettiest name, but it does have some possibilities. Dirty Gertie might be fun loving.

I am a Frank Zappa fan. Moon Unit and Dweezil would not be my first choices for kid’s names. I remember looking in music stores for Zappa stuff. They used to engrave it on these vinyl disks, or on plastic ribbons with magnetic materials. One day I noticed a placard that said “Bobby Brown.” I looked at the placard and thought, “Why would they have a whole category for one song?” I went over and started flipping through CDs. Then it hit me. THE ARTIST WAS CALLED BOBBY BROWN! That immediately made me smile. I also wondered if anyone had sent him Frank’s song titled Bobby Brown. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s-wzTRwJMg

Titles sometimes pop into my head, then I try to think of posts to go with them. Not true this time. I was going to title this one, “Inter-racial Lolita Lesbian Sex Between Midgets and Amazons.” The rest of the post would have been the same, but would have ended with me quoting my old blog from the other place. I wrote the following at 3AM 5-9-2006. ” I saw something unusual today. There were a pair of pigeons mating in the rafters. There was a small bird perched a few feet away watching them. It was clearly a different species. There it stood enjoying the view as the pigeons flapped and made noise and generally enjoyed themselves. As the pigeons reached a crescendo, the small bird flew to their nest took some nesting material and flew away. The pigeons settled down for a rest. It didn’t last long, soon they were at it again. Once again their audience showed up. The little bird watched till things reached a frenzy, then took some more nesting material. This scene repeated itself a total of four times.

I guess it shows that you should be careful who you let watch.”

I titled it, The Voyeur Bird. I suppose I could have called it Inter-species Lesbian etc.

Ribbed for Xtra Pleasure

As you sneakily munch on the candy your kids brought home, or on your leftover candy {always buy candy you like}, or on the candy purchased on National Discount Candy Day {Nov 1} remember the importance of brushing.

Saw that on Facebook and had to share. I am in the process of healing. The antivirals are reducing the rash {It is not gone yet}, the narcotics make the pain go away {and I seem to sleep an awful lot}, I skip the pain meds if I am driving or at work. Then I just use OTC ibuprofen.

A fellow blogger had a birthday recently, Happy Birthday Monkey! He said that his age would add up to seven. This reminded me of a curious bit of math trivia. If the numbers add up to 3, it is divisible by 3. For example, 7834527 take the individual numbers 7+8+3+4+5+2+7=36=3+6=9, 9 is divisible by 3 so is the original number. In 1997 I took a test for a job application and the math part of it consisted of various shortcuts. If you were big on math trivia it didn’t take any time at all, and it was a timed test. Anything divisible by 5 is going to end in either 5 or 0. Knowing those two bits of trivia would allow you to rule out answers if it needed to be a whole integer or if it couldn’t be a whole integer. The test was allotted 30 min. I took about 10 and triple checked my answers. I was the first one done. I didn’t get that job though, math isn’t everything I guess. I’m not that fond of dividing, but multiplying can be fun.

Just remember to brush!


Also note, a celery stalk is the whole bunch. I had always heard that the individual pieces were leaves. A leaf of celery is what you might fill with peanut butter. In looking up that ad I found out that the individual section is called a rib by some.

Want Some Pi? Squaresville Man

Word play, puns, all that would be missing if we were telepathic. Jokes don’t often translate well under the best of conditions. And if you have to explain it, well, is it really worth the trouble. The Dalai Lama visited Cedar Falls Iowa either last year or the year before. A reporter thought he’d be really clever and asked him, “If you order a pizza would it be one with everything?” The joke works in English, it’s just painful if it takes 10 minutes to explain it. Although I would’ve expected him to have heard that joke at some point in time.

Your past can haunt you. The history of squares is a mixed bag, can you dig it? Square deals, we’re square, eat a square meal, those are good.

Calling someone a square is bad? Hank Hill wouldn’t agree, but such is the life of cartoons. Tangents to a circle form right angles and as such are square. Maybe the idea of a square meal started with a pizza. Pythagoras regarded squaring a circle in religious terms. Revealing irrational numbers was heresy, and they didn’t know of any regular solids bigger than a dodecahedron. Eat more fiber. The 3,4,5 right triangle was probably the ancients easiest way of making a square. Their cartoons weren’t moving.

I sometimes save drafts with cryptic notes to remind me of post ideas. This is one such post. I had noted meals, deals, hair. What was I thinking, square hair? That’s why it was a cryptic note, crypts can be nasty smelly places. Being buried doesn’t sound like a lot of fun either. Maybe I was thinking about someone with long hair getting a crew cut. There was an episode of Room 222 like that. My sister liked that show, I only watched it when she got her way.

We had one film in math class.

Gotta like them square roots. I think that was why I had hair down. I was going to make some remark about dying one’s hair and having different colored roots, ie square roots. I guess I let my hair down by forgetting that joke. See what I mean by painful explanations?
