Monthly Archives: February 2015

Immortality, Immorality with a Spot of Tea

In a thousand years who is going to know who you were? If you’re from Iceland they might all know. They’re good at keeping track of things like that. What was going on a 1000 years ago? Not the Magna Carta, not the Battle of Hastings {almost though}, the Icelandic Sagas?, Yes! They were going on.

Who gets remembered and how? Usually the despots and tyrants get remembered more than the furniture makers, stone masons, or bureaucrats. Tales of immorality get passed on. The young are taught from lots of sources, “See, that’s why you don’t do that!” What really amazes me are those people who try to convince their kids that they were angels. If you tell the kid, “I never did that. I was a good kid.” do you really think that will be more convincing than “Boy I really fucked up when I did that.”

The age of innocence was not a time for society. It was and is a time when the individual doesn’t know any better. Personality types really haven’t changed in a very long time. I really hated the show “Welcome Back Kotter”, but the theme song had a line, “Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.


Okay, that was weird. I guess even referencing it can be annoying. I’ll let it be annoying.

Perspective changes things. Art often reflects life.

Pay attention to those lyrics! Cigarette trees! Bums don’t need money! Cops have wooden legs! Is that their idea of role models!!!

What is this song about? Euphemisms and allegory might as well be another language in this racially sensitive and PC environment.

It wasn’t just the Depression era. Some real good lessons here too. Remember when nobody locked their doors? He mentions that. Of course he is willing to work for his rent and smoke the stogies he finds.

Thing is, young whippersnappers today don’t know how nice they have it. And they’ve lost all sense of decency. The even had hearings on it.

Well, they had one hearing. You ever wonder why slang changes? Maybe it’s to slip a few naughty references past the old fogies. Some slang doesn’t change much, and it’s meaning is usually pretty clear.

You ever had the hots for someone that’s been dead for a couple of hundred years? Kinda gross, they’d be all rotted away and mostly just bones. It’s just not very enticing to me. Time travel would be a different matter. Would you go back in time and fuck yourself? Would that be masturbation?

I’d better end this before I write something that might have a point.


Succotash and Hash, A Love Story

Succotash, lima beans and corn, does anybody actually LIKE lima beans? After my mom died I found some very unusual frozen dinners. These were factory made and not simply some weird concoction she made. I might add weirdness runs in families and it has caught up to some of us. Lima Beans, rutabagas, and meatloaf were in some. Others had kohlrabi, corn, and chicken. I knew what those veggies were. How many people would know what those are? There was no obvious brand name, but they had that thin plastic seal with a freshness date. I don’t like succotash. I don’t like Lima beans. I’ll eat any food. Those are just quite bland, and I prefer foods that have some sort of flavor. Tofu can be quite bland but not if you add it to very spicy stuff.

Hash. Unless you are talking about psychoactive foods hash falls into the category of olio. Irish stew, shepherd’s pie, chop suey, and hash were ways of dealing with leftovers. Beef Stroganoff was leftover onion soup with beef, sour cream, and thickener. Hash was fried leftover meat and potatoes, good stuff.

Suck O’tash could be a display of affection for someone with facial hair. Perhaps they were giving mustache rides and wanted to share the flavor. They might indicate this through a “Hash” tag.

Stay with me, this gets complicated.

I’m a big fan of Some of their early work included a set of videos about “MILF Solicitors”. Hilarious, loved it. In the first one, Jax is wearing a t-shirt offering mustache rides. Just remember that, I’ll get back to that point. Maybe not, I’ll just put the vid here.

They’ve made a Christmas vid most years. I don’t remember them doing “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Why would I mention what they didn’t do? I’ll get back to that also. But, in the meantime I will tell you just how weird I was as a child. Whenever they got to the line, “I threw up the sash”, my child’s mind didn’t consider window construction. To me “Threw up the sash” seemed like it would mean vomiting some hybrid succotash/hash recipe. In my mind I said “Good, it sounds terrible! It should be thrown up!”

They also made a kind of strange artsy film. At first it really didn’t sink in what they were doing. Then it did.

Now you can forget everything I’ve told you.


Ode to Joy

“Everybody brings happiness to the room, some when they enter, some when they leave.” Anon.

I’m almost tempted to leave it at that, but I need to vent. Different equipment is suited to different tasks. If you leave a particular piece of equipment for me to use after I had suggested the order of what needed to be done and when, and with what equipment, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY WHEN I’M DOING WHAT I HAD TOLD YOU TO DO. Granted, I’m not your supervisor. You don’t want to do a particular task, fine I’ll do it. IS THAT SO HARD? The tractor is for close in work near stuff. The blade isn’t that big but the hydraulics power it down for scraping and it has an incredibly tight turning circle. The truck has a big wide heavy blade that drops by gravity. Don’t even try to get in tight spots. Don’t try to drag the snow back. Either go back and forth or go around the block a bunch of times. It’s a whole lot easier if you use the right equipment for the right task. If you get really pissed off and want to start ramming things, use the truck you have much better protection. It might also be a good idea to stick to ramming the snow piles, just say you were trying to pile it higher. Avoid ramming idiot drivers, immediate gratification carries long term consequences.

And the storm had been over for quite a while when I went to work. Did he help me? Yes, I got in some practice at anger management. I will be very glad when I retire and look out my window at people driving in storms.