Tag Archives: dancing

Lead A Full Life, Or an Empty One, Just don’t give the Statisticians an Opportunity

Do you believe in amassing reserves for use in troubled times?

Do you believe in utilizing ALL of one’s resources to accomplish a goal?

WHO is correct?

So much of life depends on philosophy. Philosophy and art are probably the two most undervalued majors for college students.

I was a Physics major. I haven’t worked in my field in 33 years. That doesn’t mean I’m not a scientist. It means I am an AMATEUR scientist. And if you check the history books, the amateurs are the ones that did a lot of the discoveries. I suppose I could try to be an evil mad scientist, but I woke up from a nightmare about that a few minutes ago so it’s probably not a good option. I would probably have more nightmares.

As to using resources, in the past week I have spent hundreds filling my freezer due to sales. I don’t intend to ever go hungry. Some don’t worry about those things. Forget ants and grasshoppers!

Nature provides examples.

If you have to, give them the bird.


Telephone Tits

You might ask, exactly what are — telephone tits?

I’m glad you asked. It allows me to expound on one of my favorite subjects, historical advertising trivia!

Okay, I have through a gazillion photos looking for the Bell Telephone ad that ran in the early 70’s. It was featured in a mid 70’s edition of Hustler magazine. It was cited in the book “Subliminal Seduction”. And I have been unable to locate it. It showed a woman holding one of the old wooden box phones that had an attached microphone and an earpiece on a cord. It had two bells on the front. Guess where they were on the model. RING those bells, we have a winner!

BTW, my searches also yielded this,

I don’t duck the issues!

Reach out and touch someone!
You might be surprised at their response be it a squeak or a giggle.


is your phone on vibrate?

Should’ve Shari Lewis Shared Lamb Chops With Cher?

Yes, pork chops would’ve been inappropriate.

I’m tempted to leave it at that.

First time I saw Shari on TV my reaction was WOW what a babe.

First time I saw Cher on TV was on the Sonny and Cher Show. She was drawing interest for her displays of sideboob and bare skin below her navel.

There used to be a big variety of variety shows. Flip Wilson made an entertaining Geraldine.

My title is bugging me. My inner grammar-nazi can’t decide if it’s a split infinitive. “Should Have Shari Shared” or “Should Shari Have Shared”. I should have gone with the imperative “Shari should have shared.”

I’ll have to ruminate on that. I’m not one to say “No Gnus is Good Gnus.”

In the meantime, enjoy the Flip side.

Wild {debeest}

Assessing the Emotional State of Bivalves

I really like this video.

There are seven women in the video. I consider them to be very attractive, but that isn’t the whole reason I like this clip. The lyrics are interesting too. It’s kind of a life metaphor, destination unknown. Life as a journey destination the grave. That probably wouldn’t be as popular.

Why are they attractive? You seldom see their eyes so it isn’t that. They have appealing bodies. So do lots of people. Their smiles? There are elements to that. Curiously enough researchers say that average features tend to be regarded as attractive. That makes sense if you think about reactions to features that vary away from the average. A Neanderthal brow ridge would not be pretty by most people’s standards. Chrystal Waters has an asymmetric smile. But she wears it well. In clips about the making of the video they talk about the challenge of keeping the lipstick free from smudges and bright. I do like their lips. What about those heels? How do you dance in heels like that?

I would be a bit unbalanced, but that is “Normal” for me. Unbalanced but happy as a clam, I try not to get steamed. I might clam up if I do, but irritation leads to pearls.


Immortality, Immorality with a Spot of Tea

In a thousand years who is going to know who you were? If you’re from Iceland they might all know. They’re good at keeping track of things like that. What was going on a 1000 years ago? Not the Magna Carta, not the Battle of Hastings {almost though}, the Icelandic Sagas?, Yes! They were going on.

Who gets remembered and how? Usually the despots and tyrants get remembered more than the furniture makers, stone masons, or bureaucrats. Tales of immorality get passed on. The young are taught from lots of sources, “See, that’s why you don’t do that!” What really amazes me are those people who try to convince their kids that they were angels. If you tell the kid, “I never did that. I was a good kid.” do you really think that will be more convincing than “Boy I really fucked up when I did that.”

The age of innocence was not a time for society. It was and is a time when the individual doesn’t know any better. Personality types really haven’t changed in a very long time. I really hated the show “Welcome Back Kotter”, but the theme song had a line, “Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.

source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/tvthemes/welcomebackkotterlyrics.html

Okay, that was weird. I guess even referencing it can be annoying. I’ll let it be annoying.

Perspective changes things. Art often reflects life.

Pay attention to those lyrics! Cigarette trees! Bums don’t need money! Cops have wooden legs! Is that their idea of role models!!!

What is this song about? Euphemisms and allegory might as well be another language in this racially sensitive and PC environment.

It wasn’t just the Depression era. Some real good lessons here too. Remember when nobody locked their doors? He mentions that. Of course he is willing to work for his rent and smoke the stogies he finds.

Thing is, young whippersnappers today don’t know how nice they have it. And they’ve lost all sense of decency. The even had hearings on it.

Well, they had one hearing. You ever wonder why slang changes? Maybe it’s to slip a few naughty references past the old fogies. Some slang doesn’t change much, and it’s meaning is usually pretty clear.

You ever had the hots for someone that’s been dead for a couple of hundred years? Kinda gross, they’d be all rotted away and mostly just bones. It’s just not very enticing to me. Time travel would be a different matter. Would you go back in time and fuck yourself? Would that be masturbation?

I’d better end this before I write something that might have a point.


Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fronder, Are You Listening Fern?

I have Mulberry trees. I have been trying to kill them for years. They’re very tough. I wish the plants I wanted to grow would be so hard to kill. Lately I’ve been using a mix of white vinegar, salt, and just a bit of dish detergent. And I nuke it until it’s almost boiling. It’s been stressing them. Everything that gets even a little bit of overspray dies. However it is supposed to be more environmentally friendly and the ingredients are cheap, so I’ll keep trying to kill them. I did ruin one sprayer that couldn’t take the mix of heat and temp. It bulged way out but didn’t spray. I know SOME of my readers will chuckle at that. Greg and Lou have been busy posting this summer. I have kept up watching, and I have been linking on Facebook. I just haven’t been over here as much. I posted Toxins and Toxins outtakes earlier. This one cracks me up.

and on SNL last week there was a parody of Michele Bachman and John Boehner. It’s actually the first time I’ve listened to Miley Cyrus sing. The parody was hilarious.


To Do Born-Again French? French-Born Again? Born-French Again?

Renaissance Faire, Those are French words. Faire is the verb to do, to have to do, to must. Renaissance, rebirth, fellow crossword enthusiasts often see nee in the puzzles, French for born as.

One of the featured videos on You-tube has a variation on the Safety Dance. I like the original song. It reminds me of Renaissance Fairs, and that reminds me of a friends sister. Red hair and a fiery smokin hot personality. Only saw her once. Body parts are body parts they vary in size shape and color, but I’m adaptable I’m willing to lavish attention on whatever she considers to be her best feature. Visually she appeared to have the standard number and type of orifices and protuberances. But her personality was uniquely her own. She lived on a houseboat and traveled the country performing in Renaissance Festivals. The idea of fucking in costume, in character, is exciting to me. I’ve never done that. Her experience playing different roles would make her very interesting. She would’ve been quite the adventure. Although the lifestyle would not suit me. Living in a boat and traveling essentially all the time would not suit me at all. My friend was open minded enough to talk to me about his sister. We were all in our 30’s then. It wasn’t like we were just out of high school or anything. He started giving me some more lifestyle info. She was pretty much wild and free with no roots. I couldn’t handle that as a lifestyle. I could try that as a vacation, a sabbatical even, a lifetime no. I don’t want to live in a boat.

But I do like this song. It also makes me think about my brother. He was the one to get me started dancing. Quoting him, “Get her dancing, then it’s easier to get her in bed.”


There Will Be A Quiz At The End Of This Post


If you never brush your teeth will you need to worry about your ED?



Now that’s more like it. Boilin’ water kills germs

This is mostly instrumental, but the last 30 sec has lyrics.

Okay, I’ll admit it. I rarely floss. But it would be easier if I could take them out and then floss ’em.

I said there would be a quiz at the end and here it is. The Word quiz, Ain’t I just a cutie.


That’s The Last Straw!

Actually it isn’t the last straw, I have another package in the cupboard. It was the last of the longer straws though. I prefer the shorter ones. First of all, if you’re drinking a carbonated beverage the bubbles will accumulate between sips and cause the straw to float. If the straw is long, it becomes top heavy and falls out of the glass. If the glass is short the straw sticks up to a point where it becomes easy to accidentally bump or catch it. One time I was in the student union talking to a friend during lunch. My sleeve snagged the straw pulling my cup over spilling my drink. In an effort to avoid the spill I pushed my chair back. It didn’t slide, it pivoted. As the chair was going over backward, I did the natural normal thing. I kicked my legs out for balance. Unfortunately, I kicked the table. It went over the other way spilling the rest of the stuff on my friend. We decided to leave since everyone was staring at us.

I doubt that everyone was staring. It was probably only the people nearest us. Whenever you do something really undignified it just feels like everybody is watching. The trick is to take a bow with a flourish to indicate that you like the attention. That’s the surest way to be ignored. Doubly so if you hold out a hat.

I had Malaysian roommates in college, but I spent a good deal of my free time with artists and philosophers.

This song takes me back to 1982. The best year of my life. They remind me of the people I used to hang and drink with. A lot of bad happened that year, but the good outweighed it.

Forever Wild