Category Archives: seriously

On Point

As if.

As if I ever stay on point.

What is the point?

Get to the point!

Stay on point!


It is not natural to stay on point. It is ego that pushes staying on point. If not the dancer’s ego then the ego of the teacher or parents.

But isn’t ego why we push ourselves in any endeavor?


Is ego bad?


In grade school I was the best at math, science, spelling, and almost anything except gym.

That made me egotistical.

I’m still egotistical.


But I haven’t given up at thinking either. I think about a lot of things.

It is better to look down a woman’s shirt than to see her boobs clearly.
It is better to watch a cancan dance than to see the undergarments without the dancing.

An emotional connection is the best ever.

A physical connection will do for the moment. Hey, masturbation doesn’t even require that. If you can at least help someone else to get off that should be a bonus. Think! They came because of what you did! Good job!!!

Was it the best cum of their life?

See! That’s where it all falls apart!

Would life be better as an incubus/succubus?


A Text Message from AD 1509

You think I’m joking?!?!

Would *I* joke about something like that?

Well of course I would. That’s not the point.

It’s actually the shaft, not the point. The point leads, the shaft follows.

Do you want to get the shaft?

Maybe I can help. I’ll tell you a story.

In English.
Once upon a time I blogged on a site that had both free and paid memberships. As the site got more popular they wanted to be paid for more and more stuff. I didn’t want to pay for it. I told them a story on my blog. Some gold members tried to e-mail me. I still did not want to pay for it. The site wouldn’t let me see what those members wrote.

They told me I had messages. They just blurred them out. Then I had an idea. I remembered a trick I had used on their blogs. {please bear with me at this point. I was too lazy to figure out how exactly to do this on this platform}. If you select a font color that is very similar to the background color the text is almost, or if they are the same- impossible to read. BUT, and that is a *very* big butt, it is easily readable if you highlight the text for copy/cut. Laziness precludes my showing you that.

I tried that with the blurred out e-mails from gold members. AHA! Clear text! Well sort of. It’s in a different language. It looks like Latin. I can’t translate Latin. Let’s see if the internet can!


Well, sort of no.

It had nothing to do with the original message. It was NOT a Latin translation of that e-mail.

It was the Lorem Ipsom.

A sex/dating/meat market site used an ethics post from 1509AD to blank out text.

Wild with a sticky post for messages

This Dream Takes the Cake

One function of my blog is to serve as a dream journal when I wake up from a particularly odd dream. It can be but isn’t necessarily consistent in it’s continuity. There is an episode of House where Dr House attempts to determine reality from hallucination by looking for breaks in continuity. This dream had several, but memory is a tricky thing because it tends to edit for continuity. That’s why it’s important to write down bits of the dream while they are still fresh. Observations about the dream are in italics. Here it is.

My coworker K. and I were discussing another coworker’s event. Specifically we were discussing the cake. Should it be a full sheet cake or less? What flavor? First real lack of coherence, we were discussing MAKING the cake. Who has an oven big enough for a whole sheet cake? We decide to go to the store and buy a box of cake mix. ONE, regular sized box. We are in the kitchen, continuity jump, part of why dreams seem so weird.
I turn the box over for instructions, gee, why wouldn’t I do that at the store before buying it? instead of instructions there is a news story. Must be Al Gore’s fault. Only in the internet age would there be news stories on the backs of boxes of cake mix. The article is about a winery employee trolling for kids when elementary school classes tour the winery. He gets them drunk. I don’t work at a winery in the dream or real life. I just see the story. I’ve been awake long enough now that the sharp jumps in the dreamline are fading. I am beginning to forget the dream. Lights come on and a car runs into my car knocking me off the road! It’s Buford T. Justice pulling me over! Highly startling break in continuity, in other words WTF! It’s the scene from Smokey and the Bandit where Jackie Gleason is standing at the driver’s window. It’s garbled, I don’t remember the scene well enough to dream it clearly. There are strange noises. Outside noises are impinging on my dream, Danger!! IS SOMEONE IN MY HOUSE!!!

At that point I woke up. Groggy, but unable to identify where the noise is coming from or what it is.

Okay, road construction outside my house. Mystery solved. I think the car crash was the noise of a backhoe dislodging concrete. I’m kind of surprised the jackhammer didn’t turn into gunfire.

Some days I don’t sleep well.


Rhett Butler Answers Rhetorical Question Without Reticence

And rhetoric can get so tiresome. If you see a headline that immediately causes any reasonable thinking person to explode with rage, bear in mind that there is probably more to the story.

There are shades of gray. There are more than fifty shades of grey even.

YES!!! I spelled them differently. Are we going to argue about the a or the e?

Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.

But….. May you be half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you’re dead.

You can think what you want right?

Maybe. You could go somewhere less constrained just remember to floss.

Or maybe not.

Someday I will have to watch the movie.

Blood is Thicker than Water, or even Pee for that Matter

I had a nightmare last week. I hesitate to call it a night mare as opposed to a night stallion or night swayback nag, or a night gelding.

And when I have a nightmare it isn’t so much about incredible fear. That is actually part of the quandary. What did that dream mean? Here are some examples I have wrote about in the past.

Turnip Dreams and Other Things

Not Another Turnip Dream

The dream I had last week had nothing to do with turnips.

Just thought I should tell you that. In the dream a friend of mine was traveling by car through my area and needed a place to rest overnight. I told him that I could put him up for the night no problem. In the dream I was living in an extremely large, very old, ancestral home with lots of extra rooms. This was odd since no one in my family has ever owned a house like that. Anyway, after my friend shows up a bunch of relatives also show up wanting to stay. Then more relatives show up, and more still. I run out of usable rooms. There are more rooms but they are full of junk. Everybody pitches in and it’s rather late but they all get cleared. We did discover that a rock slide had penetrated one wall. Strange that we didn’t even notice that earlier. As I was getting ready to go to sleep I decided to pee first. The bathroom was large with several chairs and people talking in there. Somehow that seemed normal. I started peeing and it was coming out blood. I don’t mean it was urine mixed with pee. It was all blood. While the relatives were commenting on that and asking if I was okay it dawned on me that they were all relatives that had died long ago. THAT bugged me. I woke up soon after that when I had to pee in real life. It was with great trepidation that I went to the bathroom. In 2012 I had some surgery that caused me to pee blood for about a month. When it is mostly blood coming out it feels weird because BLOOD IS THICKER then pee. Semen is also thicker then pee but feels much better coming out than blood does.

I could say TMI, but that also stands for Three Mile Island and I didn’t have a meltdown because of the dream.


A Fanciful Conspiracy

Conspiracy theories are by nature fanciful. Who would be interested in a boring one.

The depth and breadth of some are quite amazing. On a personal scale it probably has most to do with attaching meaning to what might be random events. A number of horror movies build on that theme. The victim wonders “Why me?” and the killer says it was fate or some such thing. The movie Curve, was like that.

Recently I was reading a blogpost by someone who had used Facebook to contact the bully from her middle school years. It had been a couple of decades and she wanted to understand why the bully had targeted her. I can’t find the specific post, but she was appalled that the bully claimed to not remember bullying her. That theme has also been used in movies. Two examples are and I like both of those movies. But, I’m kinda weird too. But it does drive home that one shouldn’t worry too much about what others are thinking. Certain songs touch on the topic of an exaggerated sense of self importance bordering on delusions of reference.

So what happens when the individual manages to convince others that it isn’t a delusion? That’s when the conspiracy blooms more fully. And how do you determine what is real? I never saw this movie, but I did read the book. Well I read part of it anyway, libraries have due dates. Going off to dreamland isn’t always pleasant. You might be alert and they just give you another hypo. Or worse,

There is a point to this post.

It has nothing to do with the above.

I was watching The Young Turks and I was struck by a most fanciful conspiracy theory. Early in the campaigns a friend of mine was convinced that Trump was a plant. He was there to disrupt the GOP and allow the Dems to win. I didn’t agree. Trump seemed genuine in his vanity. I think he does want to be president. A different friend is a Rush fan and when I would ask him why doesn’t Rush run for office his answer was always that Rush didn’t want to take the pay cut. I don’t buy that. I don’t think salary is a major motivator for office, power might be though. In the case of the Donald, I think it would be an extension of his ego. That said, would he be a spoiler and give the election to the Dems? I don’t see it with Hillary running. She has too many people that REALLY don’t like her. Now here is where it gets fanciful. If she gets enough delegates to cinch the nomination and Bernie drops out there *IS* a peculiar possibility. She is not the nominee until the convention says she is. Bernie drops out, later she gets indicted, after that the party doesn’t nominate her because of the indictment but instead nominates Biden.


That’s a plot worthy of any one star movie. Thoughts?

The High Horse Mule Kicks the White Rabbit

Alice in Wonderland was on TV last night.

Am I talking about politics?


That’s on every night.

Well that’s fare for thought.

Ever thought about how many case workers and social workers would be put out of work if welfare were eliminated? They would end up needing assistance. My experiences with them 30 years ago convinces me that they get quickly jaded and aren’t worth helping. I remember as a college student hearing about how social workers wanted to help people. Theory and practice are very different.

If being given money makes people lazy why aren’t rich people’s kids all devoid of ambition? Why would anybody work once they had accumulated enough wealth for an easy life? CEO’s would retire after their first million dollar bonus.

Money isn’t everything. Some people actually care about what they do. It’s not about getting the lowest price. It’s not about the greatest profit margin.

It’s about doing something you CARE about. With care comes quality. You might pay more, but it’s worth more.

Who’s on welfare? What is welfare?

You really want to measure who benefits from welfare you need to include all the social workers. You might as well include the cost of private prisons. And the cost of anybody convicted of economic crimes – if it’s an economic crime they might not have done it if they didn’t want the money. YEAH WANT THE MONEY!!! Don’t blame them for greed if you don’t blame others for greed through legal channels. The cost of protecting yourself from the greed of others can be in the form of welfare, extortion, or theft. Do you spend a hundred bucks a day to pay a security guard to stop shoplifters from stealing a hundred bucks a week? Is the only reason for giving a job to the guard the existence of the shoplifter? And please don’t quibble the dollar amounts. Do you really think it’s a question of laziness? Do you want ambitious crooks? Walter White on steroids as well as meth?

Greed is NOT good.
Just a Wild rant.
I can’t end that way

Doing Laps, Vanity and The Blob

Went to the doctor yesterday. I’m still alive.

The Irish Rovers used to always end the show with one of two sayings. “May you be be half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you’re dead.” And “May you live as long as you want to and may you want to as long as you live.”

The doctor gave me the usual talk about losing weight, but he did pick up on something without me saying it directly. He told me that my weight would significantly shorten my life. Then he said that doesn’t mean I’ll die a quick death from a heart attack. He told me that when his elderly patients say they’re ready to go he reminds them they could have debilitating incidents that don’t kill them, like strokes. If dying doesn’t scare me he will tell me about other possibilities. I have been exercising more. My A1C has been below 6 for 2 years now. I never did have to take diabetic meds. I can stop doing the test strips now though. How would the obituary read? Last words were, “I said I’m not sick!” Rather vain to think about what others might say. Could play this song.

She did confirm who the song was about.

There is a meme circulating on Facebook about not needing to know what others think of you. This is very true. Most people are not thinking about you very often and when they do it might not be flattering. A coworker once shared a story about a doctor he was friends with. The Dr was born in the US to Japanese parents. They spoke Japanese in the house so he was very fluent. Having went to school to be a doctor, he was quite intelligent. He decided to visit Japan. Upon his return he told my coworker that he would never go back. Despite being very fluent, he had never learned to READ Japanese. He had to ask about train schedules and routes. People would treat him like an idiot. The sign is right there, can’t you read? they would say.

Sometimes you’re better off not knowing what people think of you.


What do you lose when you stand up? Your lap.
Making laps would be sitting then.

I saw a remake of the Blob on Crackle earlier. I prefer the old version.

And I like this song,

had to clear up stuff from the title.

Upside Down Sybian? Better Than Sex?

I’ve just finished watching a very good documentary. It was about the website

On that link I would especially suggest reading the user review at the bottom of the page. The film is available on Netflix. This documentary really gives some insight into the BDSM culture. There are some very memorable scenes and lines. Riding a sybian is one thing. Riding it while suspended upside down is a new twist. The dialog really digs into the humanity of the models, producers, and staff. They are real people after all. You get a feel for who they are. The second half of my title comes from a comment one person made while describing the sub/dom relationship. The emotions are intense. The post production reassurance is all about acceptance and value as a person. They talk a lot about their rules. What is okay and what is not. Who is in control, and how far do they go. Trust. Trust is better than sex.

I like this documentary.

Survival In The Land Of Milk And Honey

Not an ideal location for the lactose intolerant and for those highly sensitive to bee stings to find themselves in.

Do you have a job or a career? If you win the lottery you quit a job and find a career. How many people really want to vegetate in front of a TV until they die? You have to have something to do or life simply becomes waiting to die.

There are people waiting to die.

What is your purpose? Do you want to help people? Do you want to hurt the people that deserve it? Going to Heaven would be nice, but would you rather actually be a demon punishing sinners in Hell because they’re sinners? Or maybe you would just want to strut because you’re better than them and you want them to know it? Maybe just having a comfortable life with the people you’re close to would be good enough. A lot of people could be happy with that.

But everyone couldn’t be happy with that. Striving to get what they don’t have is all that will make some people happy. And some people are only happy if they are unhappy. There are a few that are only happy when they see others unhappy. That last group is the one to worry about. I suspect they are a very small percentage, but their effect is far beyond their numbers.

Back in 1988 I heard this song incessantly on the radio at work. The don’t play the radio at work anymore. I’m happy.

I had never actually seen the video until I posted this. It amuses me.
