Monthly Archives: August 2014

Faerie Tails, Who Is The Fairest Of All?

Should I say something tack-ay? Actually I follow George on Facebook. He posts a ton of really funny stuff. Shall I start quoting? “I would prefer not to.” So said Bartleby the Scrivener. An interesting story and a couple of entertaining films. Who is the more curious character, Bartleby or the narrator? Bartleby is the epitome of passive non-compliance. The narrator prefers not to deal with his inertia. When faced with the immovable Bartleby the narrator is NOT an irresistible force. Crispin Glover was an excellent casting choice.

Ferry tales, Charon was the ferry-man who took people across Styx. During the time Pluto was a planet it was discovered to have a moon. The discoverer gets to name new stuff, but they are supposed to be theme consistent. So it was named Charon. I’ve heard a rumor that the wife of the discoverer was named Sharon. If there are no tails in that story I’m sure the group Styx had at least one groupie named Sharon.

There is a small galaxy near the Milky Way named Snickers.
Rules were meant to be broken.


Satyrical Post; Do Onions Affect Nymph Loads


Curiosity has me wondering what kind of responses I would get if I left this as a one word post.

Nymphs are supposed to be female demigods so “Their” loads could refer a load of nymphs {how many nymphs can dance on the head of a penis}. It could refer to the loads inspired by them, either by quantity, or by quantity, or by quality. Quantity could refer to the number of loads donated. Quantity could refer to the number of donors.
Quantity could refer to the size of each donation.
Quantity could even refer to the number of donations per donor.

And then there is quality. Do you REALLY want to go there? Stay hydrated.

Are you SURE you really really want to go there?

Before 1970, yes 1970, ancient history to some, ancient history in terms of modern porn, yesterday to older folks, a second ago in the history of humans with porn, the term “Bukkake” referred to a method of cooking noodles by splashing them with hot water. It was a verb. Perhaps a re-verb if done more than once by musicians. Curious trains of thought derail and ask the question, I wonder if anybody has added cornstarch to loads to make real noodles? Some fake loads were made using egg whites and cornstarch. Raw, of course, actresses often grimaced when holding the mixture in their mouth.

Onion, a pungent tuber know for tricking readers, particularly enjoyed if they trick news people. I used to date a woman that always complained that I ate too many onions before a date. I would try brushing and mouthwash right before the date, but then I think she knew BECAUSE of the mouthwash. Years later, my wife would hate when I would pick a chive growing in the yard and eat it before kissing.
