Monthly Archives: November 2015

It’s the Holiday Season Again.

Black Friday has come and gone. Good, I hate shopping unless it’s the grocery store.

And some things only change by getting worse.

And once you’ve bought all that stuff be sure to ship early.

Anything to be thankful for? I’m thankful there aren’t more political ads.

Survival In The Land Of Milk And Honey

Not an ideal location for the lactose intolerant and for those highly sensitive to bee stings to find themselves in.

Do you have a job or a career? If you win the lottery you quit a job and find a career. How many people really want to vegetate in front of a TV until they die? You have to have something to do or life simply becomes waiting to die.

There are people waiting to die.

What is your purpose? Do you want to help people? Do you want to hurt the people that deserve it? Going to Heaven would be nice, but would you rather actually be a demon punishing sinners in Hell because they’re sinners? Or maybe you would just want to strut because you’re better than them and you want them to know it? Maybe just having a comfortable life with the people you’re close to would be good enough. A lot of people could be happy with that.

But everyone couldn’t be happy with that. Striving to get what they don’t have is all that will make some people happy. And some people are only happy if they are unhappy. There are a few that are only happy when they see others unhappy. That last group is the one to worry about. I suspect they are a very small percentage, but their effect is far beyond their numbers.

Back in 1988 I heard this song incessantly on the radio at work. The don’t play the radio at work anymore. I’m happy.

I had never actually seen the video until I posted this. It amuses me.
