Category Archives: Uncategorized

On Point

As if.

As if I ever stay on point.

What is the point?

Get to the point!

Stay on point!


It is not natural to stay on point. It is ego that pushes staying on point. If not the dancer’s ego then the ego of the teacher or parents.

But isn’t ego why we push ourselves in any endeavor?


Is ego bad?


In grade school I was the best at math, science, spelling, and almost anything except gym.

That made me egotistical.

I’m still egotistical.


But I haven’t given up at thinking either. I think about a lot of things.

It is better to look down a woman’s shirt than to see her boobs clearly.
It is better to watch a cancan dance than to see the undergarments without the dancing.

An emotional connection is the best ever.

A physical connection will do for the moment. Hey, masturbation doesn’t even require that. If you can at least help someone else to get off that should be a bonus. Think! They came because of what you did! Good job!!!

Was it the best cum of their life?

See! That’s where it all falls apart!

Would life be better as an incubus/succubus?


A Text Message from AD 1509

You think I’m joking?!?!

Would *I* joke about something like that?

Well of course I would. That’s not the point.

It’s actually the shaft, not the point. The point leads, the shaft follows.

Do you want to get the shaft?

Maybe I can help. I’ll tell you a story.

In English.
Once upon a time I blogged on a site that had both free and paid memberships. As the site got more popular they wanted to be paid for more and more stuff. I didn’t want to pay for it. I told them a story on my blog. Some gold members tried to e-mail me. I still did not want to pay for it. The site wouldn’t let me see what those members wrote.

They told me I had messages. They just blurred them out. Then I had an idea. I remembered a trick I had used on their blogs. {please bear with me at this point. I was too lazy to figure out how exactly to do this on this platform}. If you select a font color that is very similar to the background color the text is almost, or if they are the same- impossible to read. BUT, and that is a *very* big butt, it is easily readable if you highlight the text for copy/cut. Laziness precludes my showing you that.

I tried that with the blurred out e-mails from gold members. AHA! Clear text! Well sort of. It’s in a different language. It looks like Latin. I can’t translate Latin. Let’s see if the internet can!


Well, sort of no.

It had nothing to do with the original message. It was NOT a Latin translation of that e-mail.

It was the Lorem Ipsom.

A sex/dating/meat market site used an ethics post from 1509AD to blank out text.

Wild with a sticky post for messages

Rhett Butler Answers Rhetorical Question Without Reticence

And rhetoric can get so tiresome. If you see a headline that immediately causes any reasonable thinking person to explode with rage, bear in mind that there is probably more to the story.

There are shades of gray. There are more than fifty shades of grey even.

YES!!! I spelled them differently. Are we going to argue about the a or the e?

Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.

But….. May you be half an hour in Heaven before the devil knows you’re dead.

You can think what you want right?

Maybe. You could go somewhere less constrained just remember to floss.

Or maybe not.

Someday I will have to watch the movie.

Imaginary Friends And Fantasy Lovers

Initially one might think imaginary friends are good. T.S.Eliot and R.L.Stevenson come to mind. However not all authors are immediately recognized by their initials. My favorite humorist was (or is, depending on whether you consider the subject of this sentence to be the individual, ie past tense, or if the subject is “My favorite” ergo present tense. And getting presence/presents can be tense. Just ask paranormal explorers) J.K.J.. I mean Jerome Klapka Jerome. He wrote “Three Men In A Boat.” It was hilarious, and I would never have discovered it had it not been for the arrogance of Robert Graves. I became enamored of Robert Graves after watching the Masterpiece Theatre version of I, Claudius. Then I read the book. It was even better. I became convinced that it was far better to see dramatic performances before reading the book. The book is ALWAYS better. Therefor seeing the performance after the book is a letdown. Reading the book after viewing is a wonderful expansion. I started reading whatever I could find by Robert Graves. Up until I read The Antigua Stamp. I viewed it as a battle between two evils. One was an exceptionally clever evil person, the other was an idiot. My sympathies went to the idiot. “Bless his heart, he just didn’t know any better.” Well, yes he did. He just wasn’t very good at being evil. Mr Graves mocked JKJ in that story. So I read Three Men In A Boat, to say nothing of the dog. It was written in 1889.

You might ask how that all relates to imaginary friends? A great author becomes like a friend you enjoy listening to. If they are dead that means they must be imaginary. That is, unless you are one of those paranormal explorers.

Unless you go to the Dark Side, there you might only IMAGINE that they are friends. They could be plotting your downfall. Or at least your extreme embarrassment. That could be called the “Drama Club”.

Fantasy Lovers. That is very subjective. As in, what is the subject of that sentence. Is that about people who love fantasies, or is it about people who have fantasies about lovers?

Go ahead and regale me with tales of tail.


Ow! That Smarts! OOH, Dry Corners

Smarty-pants is a smartass. What does that mean? Mean is average. Mean is unkind. What does that say about language?

I have been thinking lately. I don’t feel as smart as I used to be. Sometimes I look back at papers I wrote in college and think, “Man I used to be smart.”

On the show Good Eats Alton Brown had an episode about casseroles. He recommended round pans to avoid dry corners. Square pans cause dry corners use a round one – unless you like dry corners. THAT is the key. It’s not a mistake if you like it. These cooking shows like to tell you how to avoid the liquid at the bottom of the coleslaw. Well excuuse me. I happen to like that liquid. And microwaves stunt creativity. Not through some radiation leakage or anything like that. People used to use leftovers to make new dishes. Hash, Mulligan Stew, Shepherd’s Pie, Pot Pie, were what you made with leftovers. Beef Stroganoff was leftover onion soup dressed up. Pot pie didn’t “Reefer” to a dish legal in Colorado. Brownies were somebodies fallen cake. Now back to the main article.

And not only was I smart, but I was able to stay focused. I have often heard intelligence described as capacity. There are different kinds of capacity. There are different ways of being smart, and different components within the types. A lot of it boils down to what do you want to look at.

IQ isn’t a comprehensive, all-encompassing measure of intelligence. It was originally designed to predict how well a person would do in school. It’s been criticized as being socially biased. As a predictor of success in school it is fairly accurate. Schools are socially biased as well. A genius that is unfamiliar with the language and culture will probably not do well in that school.

Memory plays a big role in what most people think of as intelligence. I suspect when people talk of intellectual capacity they are most often talking about memory. Individuals vary greatly in their ability to remember. And there is a difference between remembering the events of the day versus memorizing facts for a test. There is a difference between recall and recognition. Recognition is a big part of figuring out cause and effect. It also leads to things like superstitions when causality is mistaken for coincidence.

Even with a round pan you can end up with a dry outer ring if you cook it on too high of a heat. My mother-in-law had a recipe for scalloped corn that is really good. The outer edge does form a harder crust, but I think it’s the tastiest part of it. There’s some caramelization that makes it seem sweeter.

Memory is certainly not the only hallmark of intelligence. Processing that information is key. Correlating, cross-referencing, reenforcing synaptic pathways makes those memories useful. I added synaptic pathways because learning motor skills is done through repetition. Those more times those neurons fire in that order the easier it gets. You don’t develop coordination by thinking. If you learn a new skill, like ice skating. At first you have to think about balance and what you’re doing. When you stop having to think about it is when you know how to do it. Language is like that too. A measure of fluency is whether you think in that language or whether you think in your native language and translate. If it applies to motor skills, and it applies to language skills, don’t you think it might be a property of what it means to have a skill?

All too often human endeavors are an attempt to justify looking down on some other group. That is a highly refined skill for some.

And before I forget, oh what was that again?

When you caramelize something you are converting starches to sugars. That’s why they taste so good. Onions are great caramelized. The stronger and more tear inducing the onion the sweeter the caramel.

Curiously, self defense sprays are pepper based never onion based. You might deter some if you hit them with an onion.


Ode to Joy

“Everybody brings happiness to the room, some when they enter, some when they leave.” Anon.

I’m almost tempted to leave it at that, but I need to vent. Different equipment is suited to different tasks. If you leave a particular piece of equipment for me to use after I had suggested the order of what needed to be done and when, and with what equipment, STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY WHEN I’M DOING WHAT I HAD TOLD YOU TO DO. Granted, I’m not your supervisor. You don’t want to do a particular task, fine I’ll do it. IS THAT SO HARD? The tractor is for close in work near stuff. The blade isn’t that big but the hydraulics power it down for scraping and it has an incredibly tight turning circle. The truck has a big wide heavy blade that drops by gravity. Don’t even try to get in tight spots. Don’t try to drag the snow back. Either go back and forth or go around the block a bunch of times. It’s a whole lot easier if you use the right equipment for the right task. If you get really pissed off and want to start ramming things, use the truck you have much better protection. It might also be a good idea to stick to ramming the snow piles, just say you were trying to pile it higher. Avoid ramming idiot drivers, immediate gratification carries long term consequences.

And the storm had been over for quite a while when I went to work. Did he help me? Yes, I got in some practice at anger management. I will be very glad when I retire and look out my window at people driving in storms.

Satyrical Post; Do Onions Affect Nymph Loads


Curiosity has me wondering what kind of responses I would get if I left this as a one word post.

Nymphs are supposed to be female demigods so “Their” loads could refer a load of nymphs {how many nymphs can dance on the head of a penis}. It could refer to the loads inspired by them, either by quantity, or by quantity, or by quality. Quantity could refer to the number of loads donated. Quantity could refer to the number of donors.
Quantity could refer to the size of each donation.
Quantity could even refer to the number of donations per donor.

And then there is quality. Do you REALLY want to go there? Stay hydrated.

Are you SURE you really really want to go there?

Before 1970, yes 1970, ancient history to some, ancient history in terms of modern porn, yesterday to older folks, a second ago in the history of humans with porn, the term “Bukkake” referred to a method of cooking noodles by splashing them with hot water. It was a verb. Perhaps a re-verb if done more than once by musicians. Curious trains of thought derail and ask the question, I wonder if anybody has added cornstarch to loads to make real noodles? Some fake loads were made using egg whites and cornstarch. Raw, of course, actresses often grimaced when holding the mixture in their mouth.

Onion, a pungent tuber know for tricking readers, particularly enjoyed if they trick news people. I used to date a woman that always complained that I ate too many onions before a date. I would try brushing and mouthwash right before the date, but then I think she knew BECAUSE of the mouthwash. Years later, my wife would hate when I would pick a chive growing in the yard and eat it before kissing.


Cetaceans Vs Crustaceans, Prawn Wars for the Krill of it

Not much of a war really, the cetaceans have a whale of a time, and the krill are tiny. A really big one would be…., oh, a Jumbo Shrimp. That’s an oxymoron. I can’t help wondering if idiots aflame would have the same impact. When the lightbulb breaks the filament oxidizes rapidly and the ideas fade to darkness.

It is better to light a single candle than curse the darkness. The final panel of that Peanuts strip was black with Lucy saying, “Stupid Darkness.” Thank You Mr Schultz.

In times of doubt and uncertainty, one should reflect on the absolutes of life.

I refer to death and taxes


I had hoped it would show up as the actual picture not as the link but oh well.

And I can’t say for sure if it’s a wig, but I stand by the expression even if it is her actual hair.

Been watching Netflix this weekend. I scraped my leg Friday and I’ve felt lazy ever since.
