Tag Archives: farms

Smellovision, Is That An App?

Ah, the memories. What memories? Scent memories. Is that recall or recognition? It is beautiful. Well, sometimes anyway.

Recall, dredging up the past. Recognition, finding triggers.

Actually scent memories tend to be the latter in my opinion. They can be vivid.

Good or bad you might recognize that smell. Interestingly, to me at least, I recall a particular day. The woman I was dating broke up with me. Later, on my way to work I noticed how her perfume, Lady Stetson, lingered in my vehicle. On my way home I bought and used a bottle of “New Car Scent”. A few months later I bought a bottle of Lady Stetson for my new girlfriend because it still triggered more positive feelings than negative. I didn’t tell her WHY I liked that scent.

Why is such an interesting question. From a toddler it can be so irritating, and after a while you just have to say just because. But you should retain that inquisitiveness privately. Most people have no idea why they do or feel what they do. Introspection is good. Why is good. It prevents or at least limits the frequency and intensity of people yanking your chain just to watch you react. That can be very good in the age of social networking. Spammers, like miners, share miners, love to yank chains with misleading headlines. Usually they use false equivalencies, and ask for a like or a share. Yea, I’m going to say I hate puppies and sunsets by not sharing. Ask yourself before others ask you. Know why you feel that way.

Why DO you feel that way? Could it be pheromones? About 30 years ago I read a study about androgen. Does it attract women? I couldn’t find a reference to that study, but their answer was that it didn’t attract heterosexual women. It repelled heterosexual males. I find that intriguing. Tangentially, there was a Peanuts cartoon where Schroeder is talking to Lucy. Lucy says that she can picture them married. Schroeder replies that he wouldn’t marry her unless she were the last woman on Earth. Lucy asks, “Did you say if or unless?” Schroeder states, “I admit I said unless.” In the last panel Lucy shouts, “Hope!” I think that conversation reflects a more male pattern of thought. Drive away all competition and they will have to select me.

I could be wrong.


I could’ve searched for the SNL skit, “The Last Straight Man In San Francisco”. It had a similar theme. But I didn’t.


The Nazis liked selective breeding. I doubt that there was much love involved though. They did like sausages. German sausages and Polish sausages are liked but I doubt they are loved. Metaphorically, I’m sure they are loved.

Well, this post meandered in a direction I didn’t plan, but that’s okay. I noticed something just now that I had missed for a very long time. In the following video when they “Heil!” they flip the bird. Way to go Spike and company!


Good Gnus, Bad Gnus, Oh Bull!

Does a Lapp dance bring Rain Dear?

The Mount ain’t lying about them cougars. They is lookin’ for a Postal Boy Toy called E-male. They found ‘im in the Bull-E Pull-Pit. It was a virtual man-hole.


Wild The Beest

Another Link In The Chain

I could go in sooo many different directions with that one. It could be like “Another Brick in the Wall” only darker, {Black Floyd?}. It could be whips and chains kinky. Or I could be cleaning a rifle thinking how nice it is to be at the top of the food chain.

I haven’t been hunting in almost 20 years. I prefer not to do much killing. If I can get meat in a store I really don’t feel a need to kill it myself.

But is that really better? It’s more sanitized for me, but factory farms aren’t particularly nice for the animals. Is it better from their standpoint to run around free until they happen to cross paths with a predator? Is being shot a more pleasant death than being eaten alive? Anybody who has watched a cat play with a small animal has to wonder. And what about injury and disease or starving to death? Kobe beef cattle live a pampered life I’ve heard. Drinking beer and getting massaged by Japanese people doesn’t sound so bad. Here in the States the animals raised as 4H projects are probably the best treated non-pets. They aren’t free to do what they want, but they are pretty comfortable. Pets have a relatively pleasant life usually. Certainly I would consider it more pleasant than NOT being a pet.

So how do we view that freedom as a human? You want the state to take care of you? If you’re born rich it’s unlikely your parents are going to let you starve or be eaten by predators. What’s that? We’re at the top of the food chain you say. Really? There might be some predators that haven’t heard that. But very few people get eaten in cities, at least in a non-sexual way. But some aspects of life in the herd or hood require a degree of cooperation. Free medical care, why would I want to pay for that? The same reason public health departments were created. You’re part of a herd not an individual on an island. An alpha individual might lead a herd for a while, but that never lasts. Sooner or later the alpha changes, and individuals on the way out don’t usually fare as well as the rest of the herd. In a perfect world you don’t have jealousy. In an imperfect one you have robbery, swindling, and exploitation because someone isn’t happy with what they have. You might share. They might not.

But let’s get back to that food chain business. The bird eats the ants. The bird dies. The ants eat the bird.

The herbivore eats the plants. The carnivore eats the herbivore {in a totally non-sexual way of course}. The carnivore dies and rots. The plants absorb the carnivore.

The sun runs low on hydrogen and goes into a red giant phases. The surface expands beyond the orbit of Earth.

Maybe I should go fishing instead?


Deep Throat Tricky Dick Get a Plumber to Stop The Leak

I had debated saying something about the Flintstones having a Gay Ol’ Time. Not this time.

Deep Throat in this case has nothing to do with Linda Lovelace, it was a guy. He was sharing Tricky Dicky secrets. I mean Nixon. He’s the guy that started trade with China. I also find it amusing that Cartoon Network has a show where the good guy secret agents are plumbers. Yeah, that was Nixon’s idea too. Send the plumbers in to spy on McGovern. The problem was the coverup. Kind of like with Clinton. If he had just said, “yeah we had sex, go mind your own fucking business, we broke no laws.” They would have had no legal reason to impeach. Eventually they would have found or invented one. That’s how politics are played. Even though I was only 12 during the hearings that was my introduction to political thought. They interrupted my cartoons. It better be damn important. So I watched the hearings. I heard about G Gordon Liddy basically BBQing his hand to prove his loyalty {SNL did a skit}. And not too long after Watergate, you had Wilbur Mills and Fanne Fox{e} making the news. I think she was Argentinian. Maybe Mark Sanford would know. Chevy Chase claims he had injuries from impersonating Pres. Ford. Ford fell down alot {or so it seemed. I do remember seeing a pic of him sprawled on some stairs after he stepped out of a helicopter before it landed.

I guess that’s enough politics for now. I’d do Betty, I’d prefer Wilma, but she’d never leave Fred. Fran Smith wouldn’t be too bad. Peggy Hill {eh, maybe}, Lois Griffin {maybe}, Rocky the Flying Squirrel {hey, the voice is June Foray, a woman, course the character is also a squirrel, maybe Arch would do her.}

Don’t Play With Your Food And Remember You Are What You Eat

So eat your chicken livers and lay off the ugli fruit and sour grapes.

I used to have a brother-in-law that owned a farm, he passed away a number of years ago, but I spent some of my summers on the farm. I learned a few things. Cows are really really stupid but they are pretty docile. Chickens and turkeys are also very stupid, ducks are not so docile and at least the domestic ones will attack for almost no reason. The attack is noisy and consists of wing flapping, quacking and pecking. Not all that dangerous but startling enough to intimidate dogs and cats that have never seen it before. Horse sense doesn’t impress me, but a smart ass does. Donkeys are fairly clever. But they have an attitude. In addition to 1984 George Orwell also wrote “Animal Farm.” In it he put the pigs in charge. That part is correct. I think the pigs are the smartest animals on the farm. They also have an attitude, and they’re mean. My BIL only had pigs one year. I think he got fed up with them. That was one summer I was on the farm. He and my sister both worked in town, and I would stay out on the farm and watch the kids. I did a few chore with the animals, I would turn the pumps on to refresh the water in their tanks, I made sure they had food. That was about it. One day the pigs figured out how to get out of their pen. When my BIL got home the pigs were wandering around the farm. We got them back in their pen. The next day they not only got out of their pen, they got into the chickens pen. I was picking up my BIL and sis when they got out. You know how cats will “Play” with a mouse or other small animal, pigs play rough. We got home and there was blood and feathers all over the place. My BIL had a bit of a temper and was cussing up a storm while getting the pigs back in their pen. Then he went and got a chain, wrapped it around the gate and fencepost and used a clip like one on a dog collar to close the chain. There was a chain on the pigpen and another on the chicken coop. The next day as we were putting the pigs back in their pen again, my BIL was really pissed. He went into the tool shed and came out with two combination locks. As he was cussing them out he also told them that if they figured out how to get out with padlocks on the gate they were going to go to market. They didn’t pay him no mind. They didn’t understand English and wouldn’t have cared if they did. It took about three or four days, but we came home to carnage again. I thought the veins in my BIL’s neck were going to explode. No, they didn’t figure out how to unlock the locks. They dug a hole under the gate. My BIL kept his word and they went to market. I think I saw him smile every time we had ham or bacon after that. It was kind of like winning an argument and having the last word. HA! I Win! You’re Food! One of the hazards of playing with your food is that it might be smarter.

That happened when I was 16. I remember it like yesterday.
