Deep Throat Tricky Dick Get a Plumber to Stop The Leak

I had debated saying something about the Flintstones having a Gay Ol’ Time. Not this time.

Deep Throat in this case has nothing to do with Linda Lovelace, it was a guy. He was sharing Tricky Dicky secrets. I mean Nixon. He’s the guy that started trade with China. I also find it amusing that Cartoon Network has a show where the good guy secret agents are plumbers. Yeah, that was Nixon’s idea too. Send the plumbers in to spy on McGovern. The problem was the coverup. Kind of like with Clinton. If he had just said, “yeah we had sex, go mind your own fucking business, we broke no laws.” They would have had no legal reason to impeach. Eventually they would have found or invented one. That’s how politics are played. Even though I was only 12 during the hearings that was my introduction to political thought. They interrupted my cartoons. It better be damn important. So I watched the hearings. I heard about G Gordon Liddy basically BBQing his hand to prove his loyalty {SNL did a skit}. And not too long after Watergate, you had Wilbur Mills and Fanne Fox{e} making the news. I think she was Argentinian. Maybe Mark Sanford would know. Chevy Chase claims he had injuries from impersonating Pres. Ford. Ford fell down alot {or so it seemed. I do remember seeing a pic of him sprawled on some stairs after he stepped out of a helicopter before it landed.

I guess that’s enough politics for now. I’d do Betty, I’d prefer Wilma, but she’d never leave Fred. Fran Smith wouldn’t be too bad. Peggy Hill {eh, maybe}, Lois Griffin {maybe}, Rocky the Flying Squirrel {hey, the voice is June Foray, a woman, course the character is also a squirrel, maybe Arch would do her.}

4 thoughts on “Deep Throat Tricky Dick Get a Plumber to Stop The Leak

  1. searchingforkeylargo

    That’s not right. That was really not right. That was definitely not right. And who knows, maybe. As for Ford, he was a bit clumsy but the basically only showed that type vid clip of him overall.

    And the end stuff is just wrong, in so many ways, so many times. There is the issue of how one gets on to someone else about something that is imaginary in the cartoon way so isn’t possible anyway, but yanno, some things are better left unspoken…and those are the things YOU tend to think about, and then blog about. Where’s the off switch? No, not that one; that just switches the fan speed damn it.


    1. wildoats1962 Post author

      Deep Throat was the informant that provided the info to Robert Woodward. I didn’t hear about the movie until later {hey, I was 12}. I think Tricky Dick was Nixon’s nickname all the way back to the Eisenhower admin. An interesting nickname for someone who was always faithful to his wife. The plumbers, well G Gordon Liddy is/was a nutcase. A dangerous nutcase that I would rather have on my side than against me. On my side he might get reined in, against me, there’s no telling what he’s capable of. That’s a danger with nutcases. I also remember the raid Carter sent in to try and rescue the hostages. It turned into a pile of wreckage in the desert. The people who think we should immediately send in a military force on something like Benghazi don’t remember that wreckage in the desert. If you don’t have a plan you fail and get even more killed. Embassy attacks are not all that rare, after the suicide bombers tried to sink the Cole they blew up 2 embassies in Africa. Bill should’ve owned up to the sex and then pressed Newt about the affair HE was having at that same time. I also remember a conservative coworker commenting on Vince Foster during Whitewater. He made the comment that people died because of Whitewater, no one died because of Iran/Contra. I told him to ask Iraqis, Iranians, Contras, and Sandinistas if anybody died. People with strong political opinions tend to see the world with blinders on. Just ask Joe.

      I was quoting Lister and Cat! I think at least some cartoonists are stuck in 14 year old guy mode. I forgot to mention Leela the busty cyclops. She’s got such a lovely eye but no one makes eye contact.

      Off switch! Want some sugar little girl? It’s not gummy.


    1. wildoats1962 Post author

      I sometimes wonder how many people actually know their nicknames at work. There was a guy at work nicknamed Rocky, whenever I would walk by him I would say “Hey Rocky.” And then after I was past him I would say quietly, “Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.” He knew his nickname. I’m pretty sure Tattoo Tami knows hers, I don’t know if Hardbody knows hers. I’m pretty sure “The Pickle” knows his. “Big Boy” knows his.



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